Discriminate or Discriminate Against: Which One Is Correct?
When using the verb discriminate to describe the act of unfairly treating a person or group worse than another because of their characteristics, such as race, age, gender, and sexual orientation, use the pattern discriminate against someone, not discriminate someone:
✅ It is illegal to discriminate against someone because of their gender.
❌ It is illegal to discriminate someone because of their gender.
✅ Advocacy groups work tirelessly to challenge policies that discriminate against minority communities.
❌ Advocacy groups work tirelessly to challenge policies that discriminate minority communities.
✅ Schools must not discriminate against students based on their socioeconomic status.
❌ Schools must not discriminate students based on their socioeconomic status.
✅ The new laws aim to prevent employers from discriminating against individuals with physical disabilities.
❌ The new laws aim to prevent employers from discriminating individuals with physical disabilities.
Even in the passive voice, the preposition against is still required:
✅ People with disabilities are often discriminated against in the job market.
❌ People with disabilities are often discriminated in the job market.
✅ Women in many sectors are still discriminated against when it comes to salary and promotion opportunities.
❌ Women in many sectors are still discriminated when it comes to salary and promotion opportunities.
✅ In some areas, older workers are discriminated against when applying for new jobs.
❌ In some areas, older workers are discriminated when applying for new jobs.
✅ Many immigrants report being discriminated against by landlords when they try to rent a house.
❌ Many immigrants report being discriminated by landlords when they try to rent a house.
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The entry for the verb discriminate (sense 1) in the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English |
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Examples from the Media
Proposals to change UK legislation to protect the rights of women experiencing menopause have been in part rejected by the government due to fears such a move would discriminate against men. —The Guardian (2023)
Increased competition among lenders has resulted in less discrimination overall. And when it comes to determining whether to accept or reject a loan, online lenders do not discriminate against minorities — whereas their human counterparts are 4 percent more likely to reject Latino and African American borrowers. —The Washington Post (2018)
The peaceful demonstration was organized by local rapper OG Jonah, who told CTV News Edmonton he has been discriminated against because of the colour of his skin. —CTV News (2020)
The fact that the workplace remains dreadfully family unfriendly; that many working mothers are guilt-stricken and expect to be discriminated against by employers when their dual roles conflict; that many young women erroneously think they can postpone having children well into the second decade of their busy careers; and that an increasing number choose not to have children at all, leads to some big questions for feminism. —The Sydney Morning Herald (2003)
Real-World Examples of Misuse
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1. Descriminated is a common misspelling of discriminated. 2. When using discriminate to describe the act of unfairly treating a person or group worse than another because of their characteristics, the preposition against is required. 3. He has come to Hong Kong for a few months means that his intention before coming was to stay in Hong Kong for a few months and then leave. If the idea is that he arrived in Hong Kong a few months ago and has not left, then it is more accurate to say he has been in Hong Kong for a few months. 4. Placing only closer to a few months emphasises the short duration of Peter's stay. 5. Commas should be added around who still lives in mainland China because it is a non-defining relative clause, providing extra information about his mother. 6. It is more accurate to say mainland China to distinguish it from Hong Kong, which is now officially part of China. 7. When so connects two independent clauses, a comma usually precedes it. 8. Though grammatically correct, she requests you to write a letter does not sound as natural as she has requested that you write a letter. 9. Using offer or give without him reduces word repetition and improves sentence flow, as him already appears three times in the sentence. (Source: S.6 DSE Ultimate Intensive Course, Final Tips (1): Writing (U1)) (Also by the Same Tutor: 1/2) |