
'Voice Something' or 'Voice Out Something'? Which One Is Correct? | Mastering Grammar

(Last Updated: 8 June 2024)

Voice or Voice Out: Which One Is Correct?

As a verb meaning 'to tell people your opinions or feelings about something', voice is transitive and therefore takes a direct object. Do not use it with the preposition out:

Feel free to voice your concerns.
Feel free to voice out your concerns.

Jennifer angrily voiced her objection to the plan.
Jennifer angrily voiced out her objection to the plan.

✅ Many people have voiced doubts about Spencer's suitability as a language teacher.
❌ Many people have voiced out doubts about Spencer's suitability as a language teacher. 

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Examples from the Media

It's a default mantra that if you pay your money you get to voice your displeasure. Toronto Star (2014)

Publishing staff, in rows over authors from Mike Pence to Woody Allen, are voicing their reluctance to work on books they deem hateful. —The Guardian (2021)

More than 75 percent of schools surveyed in spring said their teachers and staff have voiced concerns about student depression, anxiety and trauma, according to federal data. —The Washington Post (2022)

Now, on the cusp of a decision on whether to allow one of the square's buildings to be demolished for Apple, Mr Davidson has voiced his opposition. —The Age (2019)

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